Privacy Policy

Who we are

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At OnPoint Law, we appreciate the importance of individual privacy and the sensitivity of personal information that we may have concerning any individual. We also recognize our professional and ethical obligation to keep confidential all information we receive within a lawyer-client relationship subject to the client’s instructions to provide legal services. Our privacy policy reflects these obligations as well as the Alberta Personal Information Protection Act (the “Act”) which is designed to protect your privacy and give you control over your personal information.

Why do we collect personal information?

To provide legal advice to our clients, we need to collect all of the relevant facts and information relating to our retainer and the representation of our clients. We may also need business and credit information to ensure that we are compensated for our services. To fulfill these purposes, we may need to collect a wide range of personal information from you.

Collection, Use and Disclosure of Personal Information

We will collect personal information directly from the person to whom it relates unless it is impractical to do so and we need to collect the personal information from other sources. In all cases, we will collect only the personal information necessary to fulfill the purposes stated above.

The Act states that by voluntarily providing personal information an individual is consenting to that collection and the associated uses and disclosures provided it is reasonable. By retaining OnPoint Law for legal advice, we consider that an individual consents to our collection, use or disclosure of their personal information as necessary to properly advise and represent them.


When we collect, use or disclose personal information, we will make reasonable efforts to ensure that the information is accurate and complete.


At On Point Law, we strive to protect not only our clients’ confidential information but also the personal information we have gathered throughout the course of our business. Therefore, we have made arrangements to secure against the unauthorized access, collection, use, disclosure, copying, modification, disposal or destruction of personal and confidential information.


The Act allows an individual to submit a written request to us to provide him or her with:

  • his or her personal information under our custody or control;
  • information about the purposes for which his or her personal information has been and is being used by us; and
  • the names of persons to whom and the circumstances in which his or her personal information has been and is being disclosed.

However, an individual’s right to access his or her personal information is not absolute. The Act sets out circumstances under which we are not allowed to release personal information and circumstances under which we may choose not to release personal information. For example, an organization cannot be compelled to disclose personal information if doing so would affect a legal privilege.


Individuals can make written requests to us to correct any mistakes in their personal information that is in our custody or control. When we receive such a request, we will:

  • correct the personal information and, if reasonable to do so, send correction notifications to any other organizations to whom we disclosed the incorrect information; or
  • decide not to correct the personal information but place a note on the personal information that a correction was requested but not made.